Home Rexuiz Devlog

fixed print in teleport_findtarget

workaround for wrong placed weapon with melee and akimbo

progressbars and spectators

17th Mon Feb, 10:30

progressbars and spectators

improved physics

17th Mon Feb, 08:27

improved physics

physics improvements

17th Mon Feb, 05:47

physics improvements

parse settemp_for_type only in server

more simple settemp for campaign mode

Merge branch 'allowed_models'

15th Sat Feb, 04:32

Merge branch 'allowed_models'

support * character in player allowed models


14th Fri Feb, 16:41


fixed bfg explosion for fireball and simplified code

fixed fireball secondary "laser play"

corrected definition for copyentity in client

some extra protection for input_command_key

extra check for input_command_key

12th Wed Feb, 18:26

extra check for input_command_key

solid projectiles

11th Tue Feb, 15:22

solid projectiles

fixed CULLTRACEMODE_NONE for models

use movedir field for more precise angle calculation in warpzones

use entity_move_out_of_solid in warp zones

improved respawn for frozen players

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